Virginia Minnesota
In his first feature film, “Virginia Minnesota,” director Daniel Stine explores the rekindling of a fractured friendship. The story follows Lyle (played by Rachel Hendrix), a young woman at a pivotal moment in her life, who embarks on a spontaneous road trip. Along the way, she encounters Addison (Aurora Perrinau), a former friend who is also feeling lost. As they travel together, the two women, who were once separated by a traumatic event in their childhood, must confront their past to move forward. Throughout their journey, they discover the impact their broken friendship has had on their lives and how their renewed connection will influence their future as they transition into adulthood.
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Director: Daniel Stine
Actors: Aurora Perrineau, Jessica Miesel, Rachel Hendrix
Country: United States of America
Company: Rushaway Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $16,118