Malibu Rescue
In this family-friendly adventure, a group of misfit teens is sent to a prestigious junior lifeguard program in Malibu, where they must prove themselves against the more experienced local kids. The film stars Ricardo Hurtado and Breanna Yde, who bring charm and humor to their roles as they navigate the challenges of teamwork and self-discovery. Directed by Savage Steve Holland, the movie offers a lighthearted take on summer fun and friendship. While it hasn’t received any notable awards, it provides an entertaining watch for younger audiences and can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Savage Steve Holland
Actors: Abby Donnelly, Alkoya Brunson, Breanna Yde, Bryana Salaz, Curtis Armstrong, Ella McKenzie, Ella McKenzie Gross, Ian Ziering, Jackie R. Jacobson, JT Neal, Ricardo Hurtado
Country: United States of America
Company: Entertainment Force, Incessant Rain Studios, Pacific Bay Entertainment