The Perfection
In this psychological thriller, the story follows Charlotte, a former cello prodigy, who reconnects with her prestigious music school and its new star pupil, Lizzie. As the two musicians embark on a journey together, they encounter unexpected and sinister events that unravel a web of deception and ambition. Starring Allison Williams and Logan Browning, the film is directed by Richard Shepard, known for his work in both film and television. The movie is available for free viewing on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, Horror, Music, Thriller
Director: Richard Shepard
Actors: Alaina Huffman, Allison Williams, Christina Jastrzembska, Eileen Tian, Glynis Davies, Graeme Duffy, Logan Browning, Marie Maskell, Mark Kandborg, Milah Thompson, Molly Grace, Steven Weber, Winnie Hung
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Capstone Film Group, Miramax