The Attic Expeditions
In this psychological horror film directed by Jeremy Kasten, a young man named Trevor is sent to a mysterious mental institution after being convicted of murder. As he undergoes experimental therapy, Trevor begins to question the reality around him, blurring the lines between sanity and madness. The film features performances by Andras Jones and Seth Green, adding depth to its eerie atmosphere. While it didn’t receive any major awards, it has garnered a cult following for its unique narrative style. For those interested, the movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Genre: Comedy, Horror, Mystery
Director: Jeremy Kasten
Actors: Alice Cooper, Andras Jones, Beth Bates, Brenda James, Eddy Kariti, Jeffrey Combs, Jerry Hauck, Seth Green, Shannon Hart Cleary, Ted Raimi
Country: United States of America
Company: Tse Tse Fly Productions