Vladik Zorich, portrayed by Dolph Lundgren, is a crime boss whose influence extends throughout the dark underworld of a corrupt Los Angeles, where he is involved in arms dealing, gambling, narcotics, and human trafficking. However, his most trusted associate, Rhona Zyocki, played by Natalie Burn, betrays him. In response, Vladik, driven by his thirst for power, control, and brutality, abducts Rhona’s young son. This forces her to take part in a scheme to eliminate Vladik’s adversaries and erase their identities. With her son’s life at stake, Rhona is compelled to confront and eliminate Vladik’s most dangerous and depraved enemies, while also retrieving crucial assets and information, all within a single, decisive night.
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Director: Daniel Zirilli, Michael Merino
Actors: Al Sapienza, Chuck Liddell, Danny Trejo, Dolph Lundgren, Natalie Burn, Olya Banar, Quinton 'Rampage' Jackson, Quinton Jackson, Riccardo Berdini, Ryan Carnes, Sean Patrick Flanery
Country: United States of America
Company: 7Heaven Productions, Cinetel Films, MCMFILMS