In this 2013 comedy directed by Alexandre Coffre, the story follows a divorced couple, played by Dany Boon and Valérie Bonneton, who are forced to travel together due to an unexpected volcanic eruption that disrupts air travel. Their journey is filled with comedic mishaps and rekindled emotions as they navigate their way across Europe to reach their daughter’s wedding. The film showcases the dynamic chemistry between the lead actors, adding depth to the humorous narrative. While it did not receive any major awards, it offers an entertaining exploration of relationships and reconciliation. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Genre: Comedy
Director: Alexandre Coffre
Actors: Albert Delpy, Arnaud Henriet, Bérangère Mc Neese, Constance Dollé, Dany Boon, Denis Ménochet, Malik Bentalha, Myriam Azencot, Tiphanie Daviot, Valérie Bonneton, Yann Sorton
Company: Quad, SCOPE Pictures, TF1 Films Production
Worldwide Gross: $19,226,272