Standing Up for Sunny
In this heartwarming Australian comedy-drama, a reclusive and socially awkward radio host finds himself stepping out of his comfort zone when he becomes involved with a spirited and ambitious young woman named Sunny. As they navigate the challenges of stand-up comedy, their unlikely friendship blossoms, leading to personal growth and unexpected connections. The film stars RJ Mitte, known for his role in “Breaking Bad,” and Philippa Northeast, delivering engaging performances that bring depth to their characters. Directed by Steven Vidler, this film offers a blend of humor and heartfelt moments. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Steven Vidler
Actors: Barry Humphries, Ella Scott Lynch, Felix Williamson, Italia Hunt, Matt Nable, Philippa Northeast, Radha Mitchell, RJ Mitte, Sal Sharah, Sam Reid
Country: Australia
Company: Head Gear Films, Kreo Films FZ, Metrol Technology