Saint Frances
In this heartfelt dramedy directed by Alex Thompson, the story follows Bridget, a 34-year-old woman who finds herself at a crossroads in life. After an unexpected pregnancy and subsequent abortion, she takes a summer job as a nanny for a precocious six-year-old named Frances. As Bridget navigates the challenges of caring for Frances, she confronts her own personal struggles and insecurities, leading to a journey of self-discovery and growth. The film has been praised for its authentic portrayal of complex themes and features a standout performance by Kelly O’Sullivan, who also wrote the screenplay. It can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Alex Thompson
Actors: Charin Alvarez, Francis Guinan, Jim True-Frost, Kelly O'Sullivan, Lily Mojekwu, Mary Beth Fisher, Max Lipchitz, Ramona Edith Williams, Rebecca Spence, Rebekah Ward
Country: United States of America
Company: Easy Open Productions, Metropolitan Entertainment, Runaway Train
Worldwide Gross: $59,257