The Pretty One
In this 2014 film directed by Jenée LaMarque, the story follows a young woman named Laurel, played by Zoe Kazan, who is struggling with her identity after a tragic accident. Laurel, who has always lived in the shadow of her more glamorous twin sister, finds herself assuming her sister’s identity and navigating the complexities that come with it. The film explores themes of self-discovery and the search for authenticity in a world that often values appearances over substance. Jake Johnson also stars, adding depth to the narrative with his engaging performance. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Jenée LaMarque
Actors: Danny Pudi, Frankie Shaw, Jake Johnson, Jeremy Howard, John Carroll Lynch, Ron Livingston, Sabrina Lloyd, Shae D'Lyn, Sterling Beaumon, Zoe Kazan
Country: United States of America
Company: Provenance Pictures, Schorr Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $13,769