The Barge People
In this 2018 horror film directed by Charlie Steeds, a group of friends embarks on a seemingly peaceful weekend getaway along the British countryside’s canal system. Their tranquil journey quickly turns into a nightmare as they encounter a family of grotesque, amphibious humanoids with a taste for human flesh. The film stars Kate Davies-Speak and Mark McKirdy, who deliver gripping performances amidst the tense and atmospheric setting. While it hasn’t garnered any major awards, the movie is noted for its practical effects and chilling ambiance. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Horror
Director: Charlie Steeds
Actors: Carl Andersson, Emma Spurgin Hussey, Kane Surry, Kate Davies-Speak, Makenna Guyler, Mark McKirdy, Matt Swales, Natalie Martins, Tim Cartwright
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Dark Temple Motion Pictures, Raven Banner Entertainment