Drug War
In this gripping crime thriller, a relentless police captain, played by Sun Honglei, embarks on a high-stakes mission to dismantle a sprawling drug cartel. The narrative intensifies as he forms an uneasy alliance with a captured drug manufacturer, portrayed by Louis Koo, who offers to help in exchange for leniency. Directed by the acclaimed Johnnie To, the film delves into the murky world of narcotics and law enforcement, showcasing a tense cat-and-mouse game filled with unexpected twists. While it didn’t receive major awards, the film is noted for its realistic portrayal of the drug trade and its procedural authenticity. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Johnnie To
Actors: Gao Yun Xiang, Gao Yunxiang, Huang Yi, Lam Suet, Li Guangjie, Louis Koo, Michelle Ye, Suet Lam, Sun Honglei, Wallace Chung, Wallace Chung Hon-Leung, Wang Ziyi, Yin Zhusheng
Company: Beijing Hairun Pictures Company, CCTV Movie Channel, Huaxia Film Distribution
Worldwide Gross: $24,676,341