32 Malasana Street
In this chilling Spanish horror film directed by Albert Pintó, a family moves into a new home in Madrid, only to discover that it harbors a dark and sinister presence. As they settle into their new life, strange and terrifying events begin to unfold, testing their bonds and sanity. The film stars Begoña Vargas and Iván Marcos, who deliver compelling performances that heighten the tension and suspense. While it hasn’t garnered any major awards, the movie’s atmospheric setting and gripping storyline have made it a notable entry in the horror genre. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Albert Pintó
Actors: Almudena Salort, Bea Segura, Begona Vargas, Iván Marcos, Iván Renedo, Javier Botet, José Luis de Madariaga, María Ballesteros, Rosa Álvarez, Sergio Castellanos
Company: Atresmedia Cine, Mr. Fields and Friends, Warner Bros. Entertainment España, Warner Bros. Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $8,968,845