The Invisible
In this supernatural thriller directed by David S. Goyer, a high school student named Nick Powell, played by Justin Chatwin, finds himself trapped in a liminal state between life and death after a violent attack. As an invisible spirit, he must solve the mystery of his own assault and find a way to communicate with the living to save himself. The film explores themes of redemption and the unseen connections between people. It also stars Margarita Levieva and Marcia Gay Harden. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Crime, Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Thriller
Director: David S. Goyer
Actors: Alex O'Loughlin, Andrew Francis, Callum Keith Rennie, Chris Marquette, Christopher Marquette, Justin Chatwin, Maggie Ma, Marcia Gay Harden, Margarita Levieva, Michelle Harrison, Ryan Kennedy
Country: Canada, South Africa, Sweden, United States of America
Company: Birnbaum / Barber Productions, Hollywood Pictures, Spyglass Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $26,810,113