The Year Earth Changed
Narrated by the renowned Sir David Attenborough, this documentary offers a captivating glimpse into the natural world’s remarkable resilience during the global lockdowns of 2020. It showcases how reduced human activity led to significant positive changes in wildlife behavior and the environment, providing a hopeful perspective on the potential for coexistence between humans and nature. Directed by Tom Beard, the film combines stunning visuals with insightful commentary, making it a must-watch for nature enthusiasts. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Genre: Documentary
Director: Tom Beard
Actors: Anshul Chopra, Bhashkar Bara, Christine Gabriele, David Attenborough, Dulu Bora, Janet Neilson, Justin Perrault, Meghna Hazarika, Russell MacLaughlin, Salim Mandela
Country: United Kingdom
Company: BBC Studios