Two Distant Strangers
In this thought-provoking short film, a young Black man named Carter James, played by Joey Bada$$, finds himself trapped in a time loop where he repeatedly encounters a deadly confrontation with a police officer. The narrative explores themes of racial injustice and the struggle for survival in a seemingly inescapable cycle. Directed by Martin Desmond Roe, the film won the Academy Award for Best Live Action Short Film in 2021. It can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Director: Martin Desmond Roe, Travon Free
Actors: Ana Gonzalez, Andrew Howard, Cameron Early, Jeff Bragg, Jeremy Rivette, Joey Bada$$, Michael Moravek, Mona Sishodia, Trevor Morgan, Zaria
Country: United States of America
Company: Dirty Robber, NowThis, Six Feet Over