My Bloody Valentine
In this 1981 Canadian slasher film directed by George Mihalka, a small mining town is haunted by a dark past as it prepares for its first Valentine’s Day dance in two decades. The story unfolds with a group of young adults who find themselves targeted by a mysterious killer, leading to a suspenseful and chilling atmosphere. The film is noted for its intense and creative death scenes, which were initially heavily censored but have since been restored in various releases. While it didn’t receive any major awards, it has gained a cult following over the years. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: George Mihalka
Actors: Alf Humphreys, Carl Marotte, Cynthia Dale, Don Francks, Helene Udy, Keith Knight, Lori Hallier, Neil Affleck, Paul Kelman, Rob Stein
Country: Canada
Company: Canadian Film Development Corporation (CFDC), Famous Players, Secret Films
Worldwide Gross: $5,672,031