The Natural
In this 1984 film, a mysterious and talented baseball player named Roy Hobbs, portrayed by Robert Redford, emerges from obscurity to become a legendary figure in the sport. The narrative follows his journey from a promising young athlete to a seasoned player with a mysterious past, as he attempts to fulfill his dream of playing in the major leagues. Directed by Barry Levinson, the movie features a strong supporting cast, including Glenn Close and Robert Duvall. The film was nominated for four Academy Awards, highlighting its critical acclaim. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Barry Levinson
Actors: Barbara Hershey, Darren McGavin, Glenn Close, Joe Don Baker, Kim Basinger, Richard Farnsworth, Robert Duvall, Robert Prosky, Robert Redford, Wilford Brimley
Country: United States of America
Company: Delphi II Productions, TriStar Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $47,951,979