Los Angeles
“Los Angeles” follows the journey of Jojo, a young mute girl who believes she has received a divine mission to rescue the Baby Jesus. She gathers five angels into a shoe shine box and embarks on a one-way journey to Tampa, Florida. There, she encounters Cash, a fugitive on the run. Together, they travel across the country with the FBI in pursuit. In various towns along their route, Jojo unveils her shine kit, allowing the angels to work their magic. Will Cash find his freedom? Can Jojo fulfill her heavenly quest? Only God has the answers.
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Genre: Drama
Director: Mitch Temple
Actors: Anthony Bonaventura, Christopher Corbin, Jontille Gerard, Joseph Hypes, Kevin Jackson, Leith M. Burke, Rebekah Kennedy, Ricky Dean Logan, Sachie Alessio, Stacey Hinnen
Country: United States of America
Company: Donkey Monkey Productions