8-Bit Christmas
Set in the late 1980s, this nostalgic holiday film follows a young boy named Jake Doyle on his quest to obtain the ultimate Christmas gift: a Nintendo Entertainment System. As Jake navigates the challenges of childhood, including bullies and skeptical parents, the story unfolds with humor and heartwarming moments. The film stars Neil Patrick Harris, who plays the adult version of Jake, narrating the tale to his daughter. Directed by Michael Dowse, the movie captures the essence of childhood dreams and family bonds. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 31
Genre: Comedy, Family, Fantasy
Director: Michael Dowse
Actors: Bellaluna Resnick, Brielle Rankins, Chandler Dean, Che Tafari, David Cross, Jackson Reid, Jacob Laval, Johnathan'tae Sturgess, June Diane Raphael, Max Malas, Neil Patrick Harris, Santino Barnard, Sophia Reid-Gantzert, Steve Zahn, Winslow Fegley
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: New Line Cinema, Star Thrower Entertainment, Warner Bros.