In this gripping crime drama, a displaced yakuza enforcer, played by the renowned Takeshi Kitano, finds himself in Los Angeles after being exiled from Japan. As he attempts to establish a new criminal empire, he forms an unlikely alliance with his half-brother and a group of local gangsters. The film explores themes of loyalty, cultural clash, and the brutal realities of gang life. Directed by Takeshi Kitano, the movie showcases his signature style of blending violence with poignant moments of introspection. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Takeshi Kitano
Actors: Claude Maki, James Shigeta, Lombardo Boyar, Masaya Kato, Omar Epps, Royale Watkins, Ryo Ishibashi, Susumu Terajima, Takeshi Kitano, Tatyana Ali
Country: France, Japan, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: HanWay Films, Office Kitano, Recorded Picture Company (RPC)
Worldwide Gross: $15,250,594