Still Crazy
In this comedic drama, a once-famous rock band from the 1970s attempts a comeback after two decades apart, navigating the challenges of rekindling old friendships and reigniting their musical spark. The film features a talented ensemble cast, including Stephen Rea, Billy Connolly, and Bill Nighy, who bring depth and humor to their roles. Directed by Brian Gibson, the movie captures the spirit of rock ‘n’ roll nostalgia with a touch of heartfelt humor. While it didn’t receive major awards, it remains a charming exploration of second chances and the enduring power of music. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Brian Gibson
Actors: Bill Nighy, Billy Connolly, Bruce Robinson, Hans Matheson, Helena Bergström, Jimmy Nail, Juliet Aubrey, Rachael Stirling, Stephen Rea, Timothy Spall
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Columbia Pictures, Marmot Tandy Productions, The Greenlight Fund
Worldwide Gross: $524,864