In this 2007 drama directed by Sharon Maguire, a young mother, played by Michelle Williams, grapples with the aftermath of a devastating terrorist attack in London. The film explores themes of grief, guilt, and redemption as she navigates her shattered life and relationships. Ewan McGregor and Matthew Macfadyen also star, adding depth to the emotional narrative. While the movie did not receive any major awards, it offers a poignant look at personal and societal recovery. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, Romance, Thriller
Director: Sharon Maguire
Actors: Alibe Parsons, Ed Hughes, Ewan McGregor, Matthew Macfa, Matthew Macfadyen, Michelle Williams, Nicholas Gleaves, Sasha Behar, Sidney Johnston, Stewart Wright, Usman Khokhar
Country: Cayman Islands, United Kingdom
Company: Aramid Entertainment Fund, Archer Street Productions, Capitol Films
Worldwide Gross: $304,127