Me Time
In this comedy directed by John Hamburg, the story follows a stay-at-home dad, played by Kevin Hart, who finds himself with some much-needed personal time for the first time in years. As he reconnects with an old friend, portrayed by Mark Wahlberg, the weekend takes unexpected turns filled with wild adventures and self-discovery. The film explores themes of friendship and the balance between family responsibilities and personal freedom. While it hasn’t received any notable awards, it offers a light-hearted take on the challenges of modern parenthood. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 4
Genre: Comedy
Director: John Hamburg
Actors: Amentii Sledge, Carlo Rota, Che Tafari, Diane Delano, Jai Carter, Jimmy O. Yang, Kamilah Michelle Hatcher, Kevin Hart, Luis Gerardo MĂ©ndez, Mark Wahlberg, Melanie Minichino, Regina Hall, Tahj Mowry
Country: United States of America
Company: 5150 Action, HartBeat Productions