The Angry Black Girl and Her Monster
In this 2023 film, a brilliant teenager named Vicaria embarks on a daring quest to challenge the boundaries of life and death, driven by the loss of her brother. The narrative explores themes of grief, resilience, and the quest for scientific discovery, set against a backdrop of societal challenges. Laya DeLeon Hayes delivers a compelling performance as Vicaria, bringing depth to the character’s emotional journey. Directed by Bomani J. Story, the film offers a fresh take on the classic Frankenstein tale. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Bomani J. Story
Actors: Beth Felice, Chad L. Coleman, Denzel Whitaker, Edem Atsu-Swanzy, Ellis Hobbs IV, Keith Holliday, Laya DeLeon Hayes, Reilly Brooke Stith, Shiloh Xavier, Tracie Frank
Country: United States of America
Company: Crypt TV
Worldwide Gross: $137,984