Christmas for a Dollar
Set during the Great Depression, this heartwarming film follows the Kamp family as they navigate the challenges of the holiday season with limited resources. Despite their financial struggles, the family finds joy and meaning in the small things, emphasizing the true spirit of Christmas. The film features performances by Brian Krause and Nancy Stafford, who bring depth to their roles. Directed by John Lyde, the movie captures the essence of hope and resilience. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: John Lyde
Actors: Brian Krause, Christopher Buster, Danielle C. Ryan, Ethan Hunt, Heather Beers, Jacob Buster, James Gaisford, Melanie Stone, Nancy Stafford, Ruby Jones
Country: United States of America
Company: Mainstay Productions, Paulist Productions