Friendly Persuasion
Set during the American Civil War, this film explores the lives of a Quaker family in Indiana as they grapple with the challenges of maintaining their pacifist beliefs amidst the surrounding conflict. The narrative focuses on the Birdwell family, led by the father, Jess, played by Gary Cooper, and his wife, Eliza, portrayed by Dorothy McGuire. Their peaceful existence is tested as the war encroaches on their community, forcing them to confront their principles. Directed by William Wyler, the film was nominated for several Academy Awards, including Best Picture. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Drama, Family, History, Palme d'Or winners, Romance, War, Western
Director: William Wyler
Actors: Anthony Perkins, Dorothy McGuire, Gary Cooper, Joel Fluellen, Peter Mark Richman, Phyllis Love, Richard Eyer, Richard Hale, Robert Middleton, Walter Catlett
Country: United States of America
Company: Allied Artists Pictures, B-M Productions