Saint Ange
In this atmospheric horror film directed by Pascal Laugier, a young woman named Anna, played by Virginie Ledoyen, takes a job as a cleaner at a remote orphanage in the French Alps. As she settles into her new role, she begins to uncover the dark and mysterious history of the institution, which is haunted by the presence of its former inhabitants. The film is noted for its eerie setting and psychological tension, drawing viewers into a chilling narrative that blurs the line between reality and the supernatural. Although it did not receive any major awards, it remains a cult favorite among horror enthusiasts. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery
Director: Pascal Laugier
Actors: Catriona MacColl, Dorina Lazar, Eric Prat, Jérôme Soufflet, Lou Doillon, Marie Herry, Marin Chouquet, Virginie Darmon, Virginie Ledoyen
Country: France
Company: Castel Film Romania, Eskwad, France 3 Cinéma
Worldwide Gross: $6,782,283