The Curse of Robert the Doll
In this chilling horror film directed by Andrew Jones, a family becomes the target of a malevolent force after acquiring an antique doll with a sinister past. The story unfolds as the doll, believed to be cursed, begins to wreak havoc, leading to a series of terrifying events that test the family’s resolve and sanity. The film delves into themes of possession and the supernatural, creating an atmosphere of suspense and dread. While it may not have garnered any major awards, it offers a gripping narrative for horror enthusiasts. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Horror
Director: Andrew Jones
Actors: Chris Bell, Clare Gollop, David Bridle, Felicity Boylett, Jason Homewood, Lee Bane, Nigel Barber, Steven Dolton, Suzie Frances Garton, Tiffany Ceri
Country: United Kingdom
Company: North Bank Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $19,096