The Funhouse Massacre
In this horror-comedy film directed by Andy Palmer, a group of deranged serial killers escape from a mental institution and take over a local funhouse attraction on Halloween night. As unsuspecting visitors enter the funhouse, they are unaware that the gruesome displays are all too real. The movie features performances by Robert Englund, known for his iconic role as Freddy Krueger, and Jere Burns. While it didn’t receive any major awards, it offers a blend of humor and horror that appeals to genre enthusiasts. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Andy Palmer
Actors: Candice De Visser, Chasty Ballesteros, Clint Howard, Courtney Gains, Erick Chavarria, Jere Burns, Mars Crain, Matt Angel, Robert Englund, Scottie Thompson
Country: United States of America
Company: Petri Entertainment