New York Prison Break the Seduction of Joyce Mitchell
In this gripping 2017 drama directed by Stephen Tolkin, the film delves into the real-life events surrounding a notorious prison break in New York. The story centers on Joyce Mitchell, portrayed by Penelope Ann Miller, a married prison employee who becomes entangled in a dangerous relationship with two inmates. As the plot unfolds, viewers witness the manipulation and seduction that lead to a daring escape plan. The film offers a compelling look at the psychological dynamics and consequences of Mitchell’s actions. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Stephen Tolkin
Actors: Daniel Roebuck, David Manzanares, Joe Anderson, Mike Ostroski, Myk Watford, Penelope Ann Miller
Country: United States of America
Company: Frank von Zerneck Films, Mountainair Films, PeaceOut Productions