The Mist
In this 2007 film directed by Frank Darabont, a small town is enveloped by a mysterious mist that conceals terrifying creatures. The story follows a group of townspeople, including Thomas Jane and Marcia Gay Harden, who take refuge in a local supermarket as tensions rise and survival instincts kick in. The film explores themes of fear, human nature, and societal breakdown. Notably, it is based on a novella by Stephen King, adding a layer of literary intrigue. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Horror, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction, Thriller
Director: Frank Darabont
Actors: Alexa Davalos, Andre Braugher, Chris Owen, Jeffrey DeMunn, Laurie Holden, Marcia Gay Harden, Sam Witwer, Samuel Witwer, Thomas Jane, Toby Jones, William Sadler
Country: United States of America
Company: Darkwoods Productions, Dimension Films, The Weinstein Company
Worldwide Gross: $57,470,220