American Ultra
In this action-comedy film, a seemingly unremarkable stoner named Mike Howell, played by Jesse Eisenberg, discovers he is actually a highly trained sleeper agent. As his past catches up with him, he must rely on his newfound skills to survive a government operation targeting him. Kristen Stewart stars alongside Eisenberg, adding depth to the film’s dynamic duo. Directed by Nima Nourizadeh, the movie combines humor with thrilling action sequences. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Nima Nourizadeh
Actors: Bill Pullman, Connie Britton, Jesse Eisenberg, John Leguizamo, Kristen Stewart, Michael Papajohn, Stuart Greer, Tony Hale, Topher Grace, Walton Goggins
Country: Switzerland, United States of America
Company: FilmNation Entertainment, Likely Story, PalmStar Media
Worldwide Gross: $27,262,374