Monster High: Frights, Camera, Action
In this animated adventure, the ghouls of Monster High embark on a thrilling journey to uncover the true Vampire Queen. The story follows Draculaura and her friends as they travel to exotic locations, including Transylvania and Londoom, in search of a powerful artifact. Along the way, they encounter various challenges and learn valuable lessons about friendship and self-discovery. The film features vibrant animation and a lively voice cast, bringing the beloved characters to life. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Genre: Animation, Family, Fantasy
Director: Sylvain Blais, William Lau
Actors: Audu Paden, Cam Clarke, Debi Derryberry, Evan Smith, James Horan, Julie Maddalena, Karen Strassman, Kate Higgins, Laura Bailey, Salli Saffioti
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Mattel Playground Productions, Nerd Corps Entertainment