Night Of The Living Deb
In this quirky romantic comedy with a zombie twist, a young woman named Deb finds herself in an awkward situation after a one-night stand with a charming stranger, Ryan. As they navigate the aftermath of their encounter, they discover that their town has been overrun by zombies. The film stars Maria Thayer and Michael Cassidy, who bring humor and chemistry to their roles. Directed by Kyle Rankin, the movie offers a fresh take on the zombie genre with its blend of romance and comedy. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Comedy, Horror, Romance
Director: Kyle Rankin
Actors: Brian Sacca, Chris Marquette, Christopher Marquette, Holly Clapham, Julie Brister, Maria Christina Thayer, Michael Cassidy, Nick Shuhan, Orson Scott Card, Ray Wise, Syd Wilder
Country: United States of America
Company: Cocksure Entertainment