Boys and Girls
In this romantic comedy directed by Robert Iscove, the story follows the evolving relationship between two college students, Ryan and Jennifer, played by Freddie Prinze Jr. and Claire Forlani. Initially, they are polar opposites who can’t stand each other, but as they navigate the ups and downs of young adulthood, their friendship deepens, leading to unexpected romantic tension. The film explores themes of love, friendship, and the unpredictability of relationships. While it didn’t receive any major awards, it features a charming performance by its lead actors. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Robert Iscove
Actors: Alyson Hannigan, Amanda Detmer, Blake Shields, Brendon Ryan Barrett, Claire Forlani, David Smigelski, Freddie Prinze Jr., Gay Thomas-Wilson, Jason Biggs, Raquel Beaudene
Country: United States of America
Company: Punch 21 Productions
Worldwide Gross: $25,850,615