In this 1998 film directed by Roland Emmerich, a giant reptilian creature emerges from the depths of the ocean, wreaking havoc on New York City. The story follows a team of scientists and military personnel, including Matthew Broderick as Dr. Niko Tatopoulos, as they attempt to understand and stop the monstrous threat. The film is known for its impressive special effects and large-scale destruction scenes. Although it did not receive any major awards, it remains a notable entry in the monster movie genre. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 7
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction, Thriller
Director: Roland Emmerich
Actors: Al Leong, Al Sapienza, Ali Afshar, Arabella Field, Benjamin Baird, Bill Hoag, Bodhi Elfman, Brian Farabaugh, Burt Bulos, Chris Ellis, Christian Aubert, Christopher Carruthers, Christopher Darius Maleki, Clyde Kusatsu, Craig Castaldo, Dale Harimoto, Daniel Pearce, David Pressman, Derek Webster, Doug Savant, Dwayne Swingler, Dwight Schmidt, Ed Wheeler, Eric Paskel, Eric Saiet, Francois Giroday, Frank Bruynbroek, Frank Cilberg, Frank Welker, Gary W. Cruz, Glenn Morshower, Greg Callahan, Greg Collins, Hank Azaria, Harry Shearer, Jack Moore, James Black, Jamison Yang, Jason Edward Jones, Jean Reno, Kevin Dunn, Kirk Geiger, Lawton Paseka, Lee Weaver, Leonard Termo, Lloyd Kino, Lola Pashalinski, Lorry Goldman, Malcolm Danare, Maria Pitillo, Mark Fite, Mark Munafo, Masaya Kato, Matthew Broderick, Michael Lerner, Montae Russell, Nancy Cartwright, Nathan Anderson, Nicholas J. Giangiulio, Pat Mastroianni, Paul Ware, Philippe Bergeron, Ralph Manza, Rich Grosso, Richard Gant, Rob Fukuzaki, Robert Faltisco, Robert Floyd, Robert Lesser, Roger McIntyre, Scott Lusby, Seth Peterson, Stephen Xavier Lee, Steve Giannelli, Stoney Westmoreland, Stuart Fratkin, Terence Paul Winter, Thomas Giuseppe Giantonelli, Toshi Toda, Vicki Lewis
Country: Japan, United States of America
Company: Bluebush Productions, Centropolis Entertainment, Centropolis Film Productions, Fried Films, Independent Pictures (II), TriStar Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $379,014,294