In this 2004 family comedy, the lazy and lasagna-loving feline finds his routine disrupted when his owner, Jon Arbuckle, adopts a lovable dog named Odie. Chaos ensues as the titular cat navigates his jealousy and eventually embarks on a mission to rescue Odie from a nefarious dog trainer. The film features the voice of Bill Murray as the iconic cat, adding a layer of humor and charm to the character. Directed by Peter Hewitt, the movie combines live-action with CGI to bring the beloved comic strip to life. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 21
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family
Director: Peter Hewitt
Actors: Alan Cumming, Bill Murray, Breckin Meyer, Debra Messing, Evan Arnold, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Jimmy Kimmel, Mark Christopher Lawrence, Nick Cannon, Stephen Tobolowsky
Country: United States of America
Company: Davis Entertainment, Twentieth Century Fox, Twentieth Century Fox Animation
Worldwide Gross: $203,172,417