Bad Timing
Set against the backdrop of Vienna, this intense psychological drama explores the tumultuous relationship between a psychology professor, played by Art Garfunkel, and a mysterious woman, portrayed by Theresa Russell. The narrative unfolds through a series of non-linear flashbacks, revealing the complexities and darker aspects of their passionate affair. Harvey Keitel delivers a compelling performance as the detective investigating the circumstances surrounding the couple. Directed by Nicolas Roeg, the film is noted for its intricate storytelling and bold visual style. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Nicolas Roeg
Actors: Art Garfunkel, Dana Gillespie, Daniel Massey, Denholm Elliott, Eugene Lipinski, George Roubicek, Harvey Keitel, Stefan Gryff, Theresa Russell, William Hootkins
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Recorded Picture Company (RPC), The Rank Organisation