100 Bloody Acres
In this dark comedy horror film directed by Cameron Cairnes, two brothers run a small organic fertilizer business in rural Australia. Their secret ingredient, however, is far from conventional, as they resort to using human remains to enhance their product. When a group of travelers stumbles upon their operation, chaos ensues, blending humor with horror in a unique narrative. The film stars Damon Herriman and Angus Sampson, who deliver engaging performances. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Cameron Cairnes, Colin Cairnes
Actors: Angus Sampson, Anna McGahan, Chrissie Page, Damon Herriman, Iain Herridge, Jamie Kristian, John Jarratt, Oliver Ackland, Paul Blackwell, Ward Everaardt
Country: Australia
Company: Cyan Films, Major International Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $6,388