Fright Night 2
In this 2013 horror film directed by Eduardo Rodríguez, a group of students embarks on a study abroad program in Romania, only to discover that their professor is a vampire. The film stars Will Payne, Jaime Murray, and Sean Power, who deliver engaging performances as they navigate the chilling and suspenseful storyline. As the students uncover the dark secrets of their professor, they must find a way to stop her before she turns them into her next victims. This movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Horror, Thriller
Director: Eduardo Rodríguez
Actors: Adi Hostiuc, Alina Minzu, Chris Waller, Jaime Murray, Joelle Coutinho, John-Christian Bateman, Liana Margineanu, Sacha Parkinson, Sean Power, Will Payne
Country: Romania, United States of America
Company: Carolco Films, Gaeta / Rosenzweig Films