The Croods
In this animated adventure, a prehistoric family embarks on a journey to find a new home after their cave is destroyed. As they navigate a fantastical world filled with strange creatures and landscapes, they encounter a resourceful young man who introduces them to new ideas and ways of living. The film features the voices of stars like Nicolas Cage, Emma Stone, and Ryan Reynolds. Directed by Chris Sanders, it combines humor and heart in a visually stunning setting. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 14
Genre: Action, Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family, Fantasy
Director: Chris Sanders, Kirk DeMicco
Actors: Bérengère Krief, Catherine Keener, Chris Sanders, Clark Duke, Cloris Leachman, Emma Stone, Kev Adams, Nicolas Cage, Randy Thom, Ryan Reynolds
Country: United States of America
Company: DreamWorks Animation
Worldwide Gross: $587,266,745