Ping Pong Summer
Set in the summer of 1985, this nostalgic coming-of-age film follows 13-year-old Rad Miracle as he embarks on a family vacation to Ocean City, Maryland. Rad’s summer takes an exciting turn when he discovers a passion for ping pong and befriends a local kid, leading to a showdown with a local bully. The film features Susan Sarandon in a supporting role, adding star power to the cast. Directed by Michael Tully, the movie captures the essence of the ’80s with its vibrant soundtrack and retro aesthetics. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Drama, Family, History, Sport
Director: Michael Tully
Actors: Andy Riddle, Emmi Shockley, Helena May Seabrook, John Hannah, Joseph McCaughtry, Judah Friedlander, Lea Thompson, Marcello Conte, Robert Longstreet, Susan Sarandon
Country: United States of America
Company: Compass Entertainment, Epic Match Media, Indie Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $52,909