In this intense drama, a troubled teenager is sent to a juvenile reform facility in the wilderness, where he faces harsh conditions and a strict regime. The film explores themes of authority, redemption, and survival as the protagonist navigates the challenges of the camp and its authoritarian leader. Vincent Grashaw directs this gripping narrative, which features standout performances from its cast, including P.J. Boudousqué and James C. Burns. While the film did not receive major awards, it has been noted for its raw portrayal of the juvenile justice system. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Vincent Grashaw
Actors: Chris Petrovski, Clayton LaDue, Douglas Bennett, James C. Burns, Mackenzie Sidwell Graff, Octavius J. Johnson, P.J. Boudousqué, Raquel Gardner, Scott MacArthur, Stephanie Simbari
Country: United States of America
Company: Flying Pig Productions, Gare Farrand Entertainment, Skipping Stone Entertainment