The Baby Dance
In this poignant drama, a wealthy Los Angeles couple, played by Stockard Channing and Peter Riegert, navigates the emotional complexities of adopting a child from a financially struggling Louisiana family, portrayed by Laura Dern and Richard Lineback. The film delves into themes of class disparity, desperation, and the deep yearning for parenthood. Directed by Jane Anderson, the narrative unfolds with sensitivity and depth, offering a compelling exploration of human relationships. For those interested, the movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 3
Genre: Drama
Director: Jane Anderson
Actors: Addison Ridge, Gillian Barber, Heather McEwen, Laura Dern, Peter Riegert, Richard Lineback, Sandra Seacat, Stephen E. Miller, Stockard Channing, Wally Dalton
Country: United States of America
Company: Egg Pictures, Pacific Motion Pictures, Showtime Networks