The Florida Project
Set in the shadow of Disney World, this film follows the vibrant and mischievous six-year-old Moonee as she embarks on a series of adventures with her friends over the course of a summer. Living in a budget motel, Moonee’s life is filled with both the innocence of childhood and the harsh realities of her surroundings. The film stars Willem Dafoe, who delivers a compelling performance as the motel’s manager, earning him an Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actor. Directed by Sean Baker, the movie is noted for its authentic portrayal of marginalized communities and its use of non-professional actors. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 8
Genre: Drama
Director: Sean Baker
Actors: Aiden Malik, Bria Vinaite, Brooklynn Prince, Caleb Landry Jones, Christopher Rivera, Edward Pagan, Jim R. Coleman, Josie Olivo, Mela Murder, Patti Wiley, Valeria Cotto, Willem Dafoe
Country: United States of America
Company: Cre Film, Freestyle Picture Company, June Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $10,954,677