Bohsia: Jangan Pilih Jalan Hitam
The enchanting tale follows two teenagers, Amy (Salina Saibi) and Tasya (Nabila Huda), who lack formal education and come from imperfect family backgrounds. Influenced by their boyfriends, they find themselves drawn into the world of illegal street racing. Tasya’s boyfriend, Muz (Syamsul Yusof), is known for his boastful nature, while Amy’s boyfriend, Acai (Sheheizy Sam), defies an unspoken code. Amy’s life is further complicated by her father, a gambler who frequently causes turmoil. Meanwhile, Azam (Aaron Aziz), a pimp, attempts to lure Amy back into a life she is trying to escape.
Views: 2
Genre: Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller
Director: Syamsul Yusof
Actors: Aaron Aziz, Adam Corrie Lee, Diana Danielle, Johan, Johan Raja Lawak, Lando Zawawi, Nabila Huda, Nasir Bilal Khan, Salina Saibi, Shaheizy Sam, Syamsul Yusof
Country: Malaysia
Company: Skop Productions Sdn. Bhd.
Worldwide Gross: $1,209,069