Inspector Gadget 2
In this family-friendly sequel, the bumbling yet lovable cyborg detective is back on the case, facing off against his arch-nemesis, Claw, who has hatched a new plan for world domination. The film introduces a new character, G2, a female robot with advanced capabilities, who teams up with the titular character to thwart Claw’s evil schemes. Starring French Stewart as the iconic gadget-laden detective, the movie is directed by Alex Zamm, known for his work in family and comedy genres. While it didn’t receive any notable awards, it offers a light-hearted adventure suitable for younger audiences. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 4
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Crime, Family
Director: Alex Zamm
Actors: Alethea McGrath, Bruce Spence, Caitlin Wachs, Elaine Hendrix, French Stewart, James Wardlaw, John Batchelor, Mark Mitchell, Sigrid Thornton, Tony Martin
Country: Australia, United States of America
Company: DiC Entertainment, Fountain Productions, Walt Disney Pictures