In this 2013 comedy, the story follows Carter, a seemingly well-adjusted adult who discovers he was part of a study on children of divorce. As he navigates the chaos of his parents’ ongoing feuds and his brother’s impending wedding, Carter’s life becomes increasingly complicated. The film features a talented cast, including Adam Scott, Richard Jenkins, and Catherine O’Hara, who bring humor and depth to their roles. Directed by Stuart Zicherman, the movie offers a humorous yet poignant look at family dynamics. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Genre: Comedy
Director: Stuart Zicherman
Actors: Adam Scott, Amy Poehler, Catherine O'Hara, Clark Duke, Jane Lynch, Jessica Alba, Ken Howard, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Richard Jenkins, Valerie Tian
Country: United States of America
Company: Black Bear, Black Bear Pictures, Process Media
Worldwide Gross: $175,705