A Christmas Horror Story
In this chilling anthology film, the festive season takes a dark turn as interwoven tales of terror unfold in the small town of Bailey Downs. The narrative follows a radio DJ, played by William Shatner, who connects the eerie events that include a high school investigation gone wrong, a family encountering a sinister spirit, and Santa battling zombie elves. Directed by Brett Sullivan, the film cleverly blends horror with holiday cheer, creating a unique viewing experience. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Fantasy, Horror, Mystery
Director: Brett Sullivan, Grant Harvey, Steven Hoban
Actors: Alex Ozerov, Alex Ozerov-Meyer, Amy Forsyth, George Buza, Jeff Clarke, Michelle Nolden, Oluniké Adeliyi, Rob Archer, Shannon Kook, William Shatner, Zoé De Grand Maison
Country: Canada
Company: Copperheart Entertainment, Entertainment One, Téléfilm Canada