A Haunting in Cawdor
In this gripping psychological thriller, Vivian Miller (Young), a woman in her early twenties, is serving her sentence through a work release program in the Midwest. Her 90-day probation period leads her to The Cawdor Theater, a rundown summer stock theater managed by Lawrence O’Neil (Elwes). Once a Broadway director, Lawrence now finds himself directing amateur plays with young parolees, haunted by his past failures. Vivian’s presence at Cawdor triggers a chilling chain of events that brings Lawrence’s hidden history to light. After watching an old recording of a Macbeth stage production, a malevolent force is unleashed, targeting her. With the assistance of Roddy (Welch), a local misfit, Vivian embarks on a quest to uncover the identity of the supernatural killer on the tape before she becomes its next victim.
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Director: Phil Wurtzel
Actors: Alexandria DeBerry, Cary Elwes, Jordan Burgess, Lauren Rys Martin, Michael Welch, Nancy Lynette Parker, Patrick Floch, Penelope Alex, Scott T. Whitesell, Shelby Young
Country: United States of America
Company: Friel Films